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听力原文:Man: Now the conference has started, I feel pleased with our preparation. The spe

akers have been popular with audiences - we could ask one or two more next year. The centre we've booked is fine for this time, but the rooms are already being used to their full capacity. If we don't look elsewhere, we'll have to restrict delegate numbers next year. So, we should consider other options. Perhaps the location could also be more convenient for people coming by train.

&8226;You will hear another five recordings. Five people are phoning about conference arrangements.

&8226;For each recording, decide what the speaker's purpose is.

&8226;Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.

&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.

&8226;After you have listened once, replay the recordings.

A. to request travel information

B. to book a meeting room

C. to postpone an appointment

D. to suggest a future change of venue

E. to ask for a conference programme

F. to cancel a reservation

G. to invite a guest speaker

H. to confirm their attendance

更多“听力原文:Man: Now the conference has started, I feel pleased with our preparation. The spe”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Robert had worked as a secretary for three years. Then he became a newspaperma
n. After that he started writing novels.

M: I know. And he has been doing nothing else ever since.

Q: What is the man's occupation now?


A.He's a secretary.

B.He's a novelist.

C.He's a newspaperman.

D.He's a worker.



听力原文:W: Wake up, Erik, time to rise and shine.M: Ha, oh, hi, Jane, I must have fallen

听力原文:W: Wake up, Erik, time to rise and shine.

M: Ha, oh, hi, Jane, I must have fallen asleep while I was reading.

W: You and everyone else. It looks more like a campground than a library.

M: Well, the dorm's too noisy to study in, and I guess this place is too quiet.

W: Have you had any luck finding a topic for your paper?

M: No, Prof. Grant told us to write about anything in cultural anthropology. For once I with she had not given us so much of a choice.

W: Well, why not write about the ancient civilizations of Mexico. You seem to be interested in that part of the world.

M: I am, but there is too much material to cover. I'll be writing forever, and Grant only wants five to seven pages.

M: So then limit it to one region of Mexico, say the Uka town. You've been there and you said it's got lots of interesting relics.

M: That's not a bad idea. I brought many books and things back with me last summer, that would be great resource material, now if I can only remember where I put them.

Why has the woman come to talk to the man?

A.To discuss his trip to Mexico.

B.T0 bring him a message from Professor Grant.

C.To ask for help with an anthropology assignment.

D.To see what progress he's made on his paper.



听力原文:M: Hello, professor Johnson.W: Hello, Tony. So what shall we work on today?M: Wel

听力原文:M: Hello, professor Johnson.

W: Hello, Tony. So what shall we work on today?

M: Well, the problem is that this writing assignment isn't coming out right. What I thought I was writing on was to talk about what a particular sport means to me when I participate in.

W: What sport did you choose?

M: I decided to write about cross-country skiing.

W: What are you going to say about skiing?

M: That's the problem. I thought I would write about how peaceful it is to be out in the country.

W: So why is that a problem?

M: I'd like to start describing how quiet it is to be out in the woods. I keep mentioning how much effort it takes to keep going. Cross-country skiing isn't as easy as some people think. It takes a lot of energy, but that's not part of my paper, so I guess I should leave it out. But now I don't know how to explain that feeling of peacefulness without explaining how hard you have to work for it. It all fits together. It's not like just sitting down somewhere and watching the clouds roll by. That's different.

W: Then you'll have to include that in your point. The peacefulness of cross-country skiing is the kind you earn by effort. Why leave that out? Part of your point you knew beforehand, but part you discovered as you wrote. That's common, right?

M: Yeah, I guess so.


19. What is the topic of the man's writing assignment?

20. What problem does the man have while working on his paper?

21. What does the woman say is common in writing papers?


A.Beautiful scenery in the countryside.

B.Dangers of cross-country skiing.

C.Pain and pleasure in sports.

D.A sport he participates in.



听力原文:M: Would you like a copy of professor Smith's article?W: Thanks, it's not too muc

听力原文:M: Would you like a copy of professor Smith's article?

W: Thanks, it's not too much trouble.

What does the woman imply?

A.She is not interested in the article.

B.She has given the man much trouble.

C.She would like to have a copy of the article.

D.She doesn't want to take the trouble to read the article.



听力原文:W: Do you like the disco party?M: Good heavens! I'd rather do anything else.Q: Wh

听力原文:W: Do you like the disco party?

M: Good heavens! I'd rather do anything else.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He likes the disco party.

B.He never misses any disco parties.

C.He likes the disco better than any other things.

D.He dislikes any disco parties.



听力原文:M: How are you doing with your essay, Mary?

W: After two sleepless nights, I'm finally through with it.

What do we learn from this conversation?

A.The man thought the essay was easy.

B.The woman had a hard time writing the essay.

C.The woman thought the essay was easy.

D.Neither of them has finished the essay yet.



听力原文:M:Why don't you try to leave your office at 6:15? And I'll pick you up at 6:30.W:

听力原文:M:Why don't you try to leave your office at 6:15? And I'll pick you up at 6:30.

W:That maybe a little late if we want to be sure of getting good seats I think I'd rather leave here at 6:00

Q:When will the man probably meet the woman?


A.At 6:00.

B.At 6:15.

C.At 6:30.

D.At 6:45.



听力原文:F: I think the story is interesting, but Mary thinks it dull. Can you tell us how
you like it?

M: I'm sorry I know nothing about your story.

what does the man mean?

A.He thinks it interesting.

B.He thinks it dull.

C.He hasn't seen it.



听力原文:US FAMILIES TODAY In the early days of America, the family held together for econ


In the early days of America, the family held together for economic reasons./Father, mother and children all worked together to build the pioneer family or family business./But today, about one out of three marriages ends in divorce,/and more and more of them involve children./ The divorce rate in America is still the highest in the world,/but 75% of the women and 83% of the men who divorce remarry within 3 years./ The children from the broken families join up to produce a new kind of unit called the blended family. / About 18 million children are now living with their step-brothers and sisters in such an arrangement./

Perhaps the most significant trend today is toward the single-parent household./Of all children under 18, 17% are now living with only one parent./Business and government officials are looking for new ways/to help parents meet their family responsibilities as well as to increase their income./




听力原文:W: Hello, this is Green Mail Order Service. How can I help you?M: I'm calling to

听力原文:W: Hello, this is Green Mail Order Service. How can I help you?

M: I'm calling to order a men's cashmere sweater from your mail order catalogue. The item number is S6489, and I want a large size one. How long will it take to deliver?

W: Let me see. We' II send it to you by courier this afternoon. You will probably get it by tomorrow afternoon. How do you want to pay? Bank transfer, credit or cash on delivery?

M: I'd like to pay by bank transfer.

What is the purpose of the man' s call to the woman?

A.To complain about a sales clerk

B.To ask the number of an item

C.To withdraw some money

D.To place an order



听力原文:W: I'm very impressed by all the work you've done on your house, Mr. Miller. How
long have you been working on it?

M: I first became interested in doing things myself several years ago. I've been doing something on it every now and then for almost a year now. You know, I couldn't afford to pay workmen to do it.

Q: What do we learn about Mr. Miller?


A.He used to be a workman himself.

B.He likes to do repairs and make things himself.

C.He is professional builder.

D.He paid workmen to decorate the house.


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