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Growth is frequently painful and confusing, but that does not make it any less necessa

ry or valuable.

更多“Growth is frequently painful and confusing, but that does not make it any less necessa”相关的问题


The most frequently used pontic design is()。
The most frequently used pontic design is()。

A.modified ridge lap

B.ovate pontic

C.modified saddle




The chief executive George Grey is confident that current growth levels can be maintai

A.on track

B.on truck

C.out of the recession

D.behind the door



To coordinate development between man and nature, we should maintain a proper growth in population, a sustainable utilization of resources, and ________ ecological principals.








administer respectable massive restore raise 5. Economic growth has averaged a ___________ 2.5 percent.



The key factors in tissue engineering includes: _________.


C、Growth Factors

D、Mechanical Forces



The main topic of this article is _____________

A、environment protection

B、population growth

C、environment and economy

D、climate changing



If you feel a shortage of energy, join our Health ...

If you feel a shortage of energy, join our Health Club. Fatigue is common for people to 1)_________ of to their doctors. In such cases, you should take a look at the causes for your tiredness and learn how you can get rid of it. Firstly, if you have to work hard 24 hours a day, seven days a week with high 2)_________, you will feel tired and bored. The 24/7 push to be productive can wear you out both physically and 3)__________. Your can have mini-breaks that will cheer you up and make your routine a little less routine. Secondly, if you sit staring at a screen for long periods of time you tend to blink less frequently and 4)_______your eyes. Your eyes need a break. Stand up once in a while to 5)_________ your legs and arms. Frequent breaks with long 6)__________ to your nearby parks will keep your body active and reduce eyestrain. Finally, gaining as little as five pounds of weight can cause 7)________. Extra weight also puts extra burden on your heart, which makes you tired. You can 8)_________ the habit of eating junk food and 9)___________ yourself to the basics of healthy eating. Try to eat smaller 10)_________ of food. With each pound of weight you lose, you'll feel a rise in energy. A) reverse B) strip C) strain D) empty E) portions F) fatigue G) rides H) emotionally I) reserve J) stretch K) dump L) complain M) collections N) efficiency O) strides



A Reading is not the only way to gain knowledge of the work in the past. There is anot
her large reservoir (知识库 ) which may be called experience, and the college student will find that every craftsman (工匠 ) has something he can teach and will generally teach gladly to any college student who does not look down upon them . The information from them differs from (不同于 ) that in textbooks and papers chiefly in that its theoretical (理论的 ) part -- the explanations of why things happen -- is frequently quite fantastic (神奇的 ) . But the demonstration (示范 ) and report of what happens , and how it happens are correct even if the reports are in completely unscientific terms (术语 ). Presently the college student will learn, in this case also, what to accept and what to reject. One important thing for a college student to remember is that if Aristotle could talk to the fish

1.Which of the following statements is supported by the passage? ()

A、The college students have trouble separating good plants from wild grass

B、Craftsman s experience is usually unscientific

C、The contemptuous (傲慢的 ) college students will receive nothing from craftsmen

D、Traditional practices are as important as experience for the college student

2.The main idea of this passage is about ().

A、what to learn from the parents

B、how to gain knowledge

C、why to learn from craftsman

D、how to deal with experience

3.From this passage we can infer that ().

A、we ll invite the craftsman to teach in the college

B、schools and books are not the only way to knowledge

C、scientific discoveries late based on personal experience

D、discoveries and rediscoveries are the most important source of knowledge for a college student

4.In the last paragraph the phrase "this wide, confused wilderness" refers to ().

A、personal experience

B、wild weeds among good plants

C、the information from the parents ?the vast store of

D、traditional practices

5.The author advises the college student to () .

A、be contemptuous to the craftsman

B、be patient in helping the craftsman with scientific terms

C、learn the craftsman s experience by judging it carefully

D、gain the craftsman s experience without rejection



Humans are the dominant (统治) species on planet Earth. Their numbers are increasing r
apidly. They are no longer restricted by their environment, as they can live in the most hostile of deserts or the bitter cold of Antarctic.Human culture is heavily based on the earth's natural resources -- oil, coal and metals; soil, water and forests. Industrialized society is using increasing amounts of these resources each year. Governments and industrialists strive for economic growth -- for factories and mines to produce more each year than they did in the previous year. But fuels and metals and, to a lesser extent, the soil are nonrenewable resources. Once used they are gone forever. In many cases the lifetime of these resources is coming to an end.Factories and machines create wastes. These wastes are poured into the atmosphere, the water and even into the soil. The damaging effect of this pollution is, in some cases, permanent. To reduce pollution creates further problems. Factories may have to be redesigned or even pulled down. This costs money and may mean loss of livelihood (生计) for many workers.Modern technology is creating an additional problem -- it is making industry more and more automatic (自动化 . This means that fewer and fewer people are needed to operate factories and offices. The consequent loss of jobs is a worldwide problem and western society is still struggling to find the answer.This introduction gives you some idea of the topics to be discussed in detail in this chapter.

1.This passage is most probably written as ____.

A、the beginning part of a certain chapter

B、the middle part of a certain chapter

C、the last part of a certain chapter

D、a self-contained chapter

2.Which of the following topics is NOT discussed in the passage? ____

A、Natural Resources

B、Industrial Pollution



3.The author's purpose in the first paragraph is to tell us the fact that ____.

A、deserts are hostile

B、Antarctic is very cold

C、human beings now inhabit the entire Earth

D、there are many different species on planet Earth

4.According to the passage, some natural resources like fuels and metals ____.

A、are no longer new

B、will never be gone

C、will soon be used up

D、can not be used at present

5.The phrase `strive for' in the second paragraph means ____.

A、fight with each other in order to get'

B、make great efforts to achieve'

C、have a violent struggle because of'

D、suffer a lot from'

6.Which pollution is NOT mentioned in the passage? ____

A、Air Pollution

B、Water Pollution

C、Soil Pollution

D、Sound Pollution



Fed was a consultant(咨询师)and Guido a wine maker. They started their gelato (意式冰激凌)
business with no food industry experience. "We wanted to make the best gelato in the world and we didn't know how to make any gelato!" Fed recalls. That did not stop them though and the business has become more and more successful.

The word gelato means "frozen" originally. Since ancient Rome, people have been enjoying cold desserts. Many think gelato is just an Italian name for ice cream. But actually it is a different product. According to Fed and Guido, the difference between ice cream and gelato is the amount of fat in the product. In ice cream you have an average of 17-18% of fat, but with Italian gelato you have 10%.

It was Guido who first came up with the idea. He thought that if they got the best materials, they could make top quality gelato. Fed then put a business plan together and the two decided to go for it. The only rule they had when they started out was to stick to their guiding principle—to try to create the world's best gelato. Their efforts paid off. Sales of their gelato have doubled in Italy every year since 2008. It outpaced (超过)the growth of every other type of iced dessert by some way. The company grows from two employees in 2003 to nearly 700 employees today.

According to a market analysis, Italians' love for gelato will last for the next few years. These two will be happy to learn the news.


It can be learned from the first paragraph that Fed and Guido_____.

A、used to be wine makers

B、knew how to make gelato

C、had no experience in food industry

D、planned to create a new dessert


Paragraph 2 tells us that_____.

A、Fed and Guido invented gelato

B、Italians prefer gelato to ice cream

C、gelato is the world's best dessert

D、gelato has less fat than ice cream


The guiding principle Fed and Guido followed is_____.

A、using secret materials

B、sticking to their business plan

C、making top quality gelato

D、hiring the best employees


Since 2008, the sales of Fed and Guido’s gelato have_____.

A、remained the same

B、reached record high

C、grown as fast as other desserts

D、increased steadily


Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A、the World’s Best Gelato

B、Italians' Love for Gelato

C、The History of Gelato

D、Gelato Shops in Italy


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