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Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone

Protect Your Privacy When Job-hunting Online

A)Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfullyobtains and uses another person's personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically foreconomic gain.

B)The numbers associated with identity theft are beginning to add up fast these days. A recent GeneralAccounting Office report estimates that as many as 750,000 Americans are victims of identity theft every year.And that number may be low, as many people choose not to report the crime even if they know they have beenvictimized:

C)Identity theft is "an absolute epidemic", states Robert Ellis Smith, a respected author and advocate of privacy,"It's certainly picked up in the last four or five years. It's worldwide. It affects everybody, and there's very littleyou can do to prevent it and, worst of all, you can't detect it until it's probably too late."

D)Unlike your fingerprints, which are unique to you and cannot be given to someone else for their use, yourpersonal data, especially your social security number, your bank account or credit card number, your telephonecalling card number, and other valuable identifying data, can be used, if they fall into the wrong hands, topersonally profit at your expense. In the United States and Canada, for example, many people have reportedthat unauthorized persons have taken funds out of their bank or financial accounts, or, in the worst cases, taken over their identities altogether, rtmning up vast debts and committing crimes while using the victims' names. Inmany cases, a victim's losses may include not only out-of-pocket financial losses, but substantial additionalfinancial costs associated with trying to restore his reputation in the community and correcting erroneousinformation for which the criminal is responsible.

E) According to the FBI, identity theft is the number one fraud committed on the Internet. So how do job seekersprotect themselves while continuing to circulate their resumes online? The key to a successful online jobsearch is learning to manage the risks. Here are some tips for staying safe while conducting a job search on theInternet.

F)Check for a privacy policy. If you are considering posting your resume online, make sure the job search siteyou are considering has a privacy policy, like CareerBuilder.com. The policy should spell out how yourinformation will be used, stored and whether or not it will be shared. You may want to think twice aboutposting your resume on a site that automatically shares your information with others. You could be openingyourself up to unwanted calls from solicitors (推销员). When reviewing the site's privacy policy, you'll be ableto delete your resume just as easily as you posted it. You won't necessarily want your resume to remain outthere on the Internet once you land a job. Remember, the longer your resume remains posted on a job board,the more exposure, both positive and not-so-positive, it will receive.

G)Take advantages of site features. Lawful job search sites offer levels of privacy protection. Before posting yourresume, carefully consider your job search objectives and the level of risk you are willing to assume.CareerBuilder.com, for example, offers three levels of privacy from which job seekers can choose. The first isstandard posting. This option gives job seekers who post their resumes the most visibility to the broadestemployer audience possible. The second is anonymous(匿名的) posting. This allows job seekers the samevisibility as those in the standard posting category without any of their contact information being displayed.Job seekers who wish to remain anonymous but want to share some other information may choose whichpieces of contact information to display. The third is private posting. This option allows a job seeker to post aresume without having it searched by employers. Private posting allows job seekers to quickly and easily applyfor jobs that appear on CareerBuilder.com without retyping their information.

H)Safeguard your identity. Career experts say that one of the ways job seekers can stay safe while using theIntemet to search out jobs is to conceal their identities. Replace your name on your resume with a generic (泛指的) identifier, such as "Intranet Developer Candidate", or "Experienced Marketing Representative". Youshould also consider eliminating the name and location of your current employer. Depending on your title, itmay not be all that difficult to determine who you are once the name of your company is provided. Use ageneral description of the company such as "Major auto manufacturer," or "international packaged goodssupplier." If your job title is unique, consider using the generic equivalent instead of the exact title assigned byyour employer.

I)Establish an email address for your search. Another way to protect your privacy while seeking employmentonline is to open up an email account specifically for your online job search. This will safeguard your existingemail box in the event someone you don't know gets hold of your email address and shares it with others.Using an email address specifically for your job search also eliminates the possibility that you will receiveunwelcome emails in your primary mailbox. When naming your new email address, be sure that it doesn'tcontain references to your name or other information that will give away your identity. The best solution is anemail address that is relevant to the job you are seeking such as salesmgr2004@provider.com.

J)Protect your references. If your resume contains a section with the names and contact information of yourreferences, take it out. There's no sense in safeguarding your information while sharing private contactinformation of your references.

K)Keep confidential (机密的) information confidential. Do not, under any circumstances, share your social security, driver's license, and bank account numbers or other personal information, such as race or eye color.Honest employers do not need this information with an initial application. Don't provide this even if they saythey need it in order to conduct a background check. This is one of the oldest tricks in the book--don't fallfor it.

46、Those who post their resumes online for a long time will run an increased risk of becoming victims of identity theft.

47、Robert Ellis Smith says that identity theft is spreading around the world and hard to detect beforehand.

48、Victims of identity theft may suffer additional financial losses in order to restore their reputation and correct wrong infbrmation.

49、In the US,750,000 people are estimated to become victims of identity theft each year.

50、It is a safer way to find a job online when you use an email account specifically.

51、One is supposed to learn how to manage the risks if he or she is going to seek jobs online safely.

52、Standard posting allows fullest potential audience to browse through the resumes posted online.

53、Honest employers will not ask their initial job applicants to reveal their social security account, driver's license or bank account numbers.

54、Make sure that your email address will not be named in a way that could let out your personal information.

55、Job seekers are advised to describe the company they are serving right now in a general way instead of giving an exact name.

更多“Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone”相关的问题


Notice of Baggage Inspection (检查)To protect you and your fellow passengers, the Transp
Notice of Baggage Inspection (检查)To protect you and your fellow passengers, the Transp

Notice of Baggage Inspection (检查)

To protect you and your fellow passengers, the Transportation Security Administration TSA.is required by law to inspect all checked baggage.As part of this process, some bags are opened and inspected.Your bag was among those selected for inspection.

During the inspection, your bag and its contents may have been searched for prohibited (违禁的) items.After the inspection was completed, the contents were returned to your bag.

If the TSA security officer was unable to open your bag for inspection because it was locked, the officer may have been forced to break the locks on your bag.TSA sincerely regrets having to do this.However, TSA is not responsible for damage to your locks resulting from this necessary security measures.

For packing tips and suggestions on how to secure your baggage during your next trip, please visit: www.tsa.gov.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact the TSA Contact Center.

1、According to the passage, TSA is required to inspect your baggage ______.

A.with your written permission

B.at the request of police

C.by airlines

D.by law

2、According to the Notice, the purpose of the inspection is to ______.

A.find all overweight baggage

B.search for prohibited items

C.charge customs duties

D.check damaged items

3、After the inspection, the contents in your bag would ______.

A.be delivered to your address

B.be given to you in person

C.be returned to your bag

D.be kept at the airport

4、If your bag is locked, the TSA security officer may have to ______.

A.break the locks

B.hand it over to police

C.give up the inspection

D.ask you to open the bag

5、If the locks of your bag are damaged because of the inspection, TSA will ______.

A.pay for the damage

B.buy you a new lock

C.not be responsible for it

D.not inspect it in your next trip



It is important for us to know how to stay safe while traveling in foreign countries.
We’ve all heard the stories of travelers having their wallets(钱包) stolen or finding themselves in the wrong part of the town. So you have to be more careful than usual, when traveling abroad.

Remember to carry a small amount of cash and a copy of your ID with you at all times. There is no need to bring large amounts of cash with you. When shopping, use your credit card instead. Keep your wallet in your front pocket so that there is no way someone's hand could get in there without your noticing it.

Travel with a friend, business partner if possible. It is always better to travel in pairs than to go alone. Know where you’re going. Look at the map before you leave the hotel so that you know where you are going and how to get there.

Lock your valuables (贵重物品) either in the safe in your hotel room or in the main hotel safe.

Be aware of your surroundings. Look around when walking, and avoid keeping your head low.

B-26. When shopping abroad, you are advised to _____.

A、use online services

B、use a credit card

C、pay by check

D、pay in cash

B-27. To keep your wallet safe, you’d better _____.

A、hold it in your keep it in your hand

B、leave it in the hotel safe

C、put it in your front pocket

D、keep it in your shoulder bag

B-28. To know where you are going, you are advised to _____.

A、ask the police for detailed information

B、look at the map before leaving the hotel

C、always travel with your business partner

D、have a smart phone with you while traveling

B-29. Where should you keep your valuables while staying in a hotel?

A、In the hotel safe.

B、In your pockets.

C、In your traveling bag.

D、In a bedside containe.

B-30. Which of the following can be the title for the passage?

A、How to Ask Ways While Traveling.

B、How to Shop in a Foreign Country.

C、Protect Your Personal Information.

D、Stay safe While Traveling Abroad.



More than how much money comes in it's a matter of how you spend it.That's where
budgeting comes in.A detailed budget helps you keep tabs on your income.There are many people who are able to live comfortably on what they earn, even if their income is modest.A budget, therefore, keeps track of income and expenses.It will segregate your fixed expenses like your food, stay and insurance and your variable expenses like your travel, entertainment, etc.

Adequate insurance for you and your family is an essential part of investing.Life, health and property insurance protect you and your loved ones from unforeseen mishaps.It is also wise to make a will so that your assets can be handled smoothly.

Good personal finance management involves investing, managing risk, insurance, understanding and handling debt and credit, knowing the value of time and money and ensuring that your retirement is taken care of.While planning you make an assessment of your present situation in relation to your goals.Managing personal finances becomes a hassle when you get into debt.Debt is what you owe, and can be good and bad.If you have borrowed money to buy property, it is an investment and the money you pay against interest on the loan is tax deductible.But running up debts like overdue credit cards is not good.This is why budgeting is very important so that you know exactly where your money is going.It is very easy to lose track of what you spend without a budget.

There are multiple ways to invest and save for the future.The crux of the matter is to keep in mind your sources of income and account for your expenses, while keeping a budget that is feasible.Periodical review keeps you in control of your personal finance.

1.The word "modest" in Para.1 probably means "____________"?

2.How many ways of finance management does the author mainly mention?





3.What's the essential part of investing for a family?

A.Sources of income

B.Various expenses

C.Adequate insurance

D.Detailed budget

4.How does the author think of debt?

A.It's completely bad

B.It's both good and bad

C.It's wonderful

D.It's not mentioned

5.What does this passage mainly talk about?

A.How to manage money

B.How to spend money

C.How to invest money

D.How to loan money



If you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why. Do you
need it for a __________ reason, such as your job or your studies?_________ perhaps you’re interested in the _________ ,films or music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a _________ of the language.

Most people learn best using a variety of _________, but traditional classes are an ideal(理想的)start for many people. They _______ an environment where you can practice under the ________ of someone who’s good at the language. We all lead ________ lives and learning a language takes _______. You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a ________. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t got long. Becoming fluent in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes ________.

Many people start learning a language and soon give up. “I’m too _______,” they say. Yes, children do learn languages more _______ than adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at any ________. And learning is good for the health of your brain, too. I’ve also heard people ________ about the mistakes they make when ________. Well, relax and laugh about your mistakes ________ you’re much less likely to make them again.

Learning a new language is never ________. But with some work and devotion, you’ll make progress. And you’ll be _________ by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in ________ own language. Good luck!

1.A. technical B. political C. practical D. physical

2.A. After B. So C. Though D. Or

3.A. literature B. transport C. agriculture D. medicine

4.A. view B. knowledge C. form. D. database

5.A. paintings B. regulations C. methods D. computers

6.A. protect B. change C. respect D. provide

7.A. control B. command C. guidance D. pressure

8.A. busy B. happy C. simple D. normal

9.A. courage B. time C. energy D. place

10.A. theory B. business C. routine D. project

11.A. some risks B. a lot less C. some notes D. a lot more

12.A. old B. nervous C. weak D. tired

13.A. closely B. quickly C. privately D. quietly

14.A. age B. speed C. distance D. school

15.A. worry B. hesitate C. think D. quarrel

16.A. singing B. working C. bargaining D. learning

17.A. if B. and C. but D. before

18.A. tiresome B. hard C. interesting D. easy

19.A. blamed B. amazed C. interrupted D. informed

20.A. their B. his C. our D. your



It will be ____ again tomorrow. All the passengers should protect themselves well. (s
It will be ____ again tomorrow. All the passengers should protect themselves well. (s




We need to protect her____。(private)
We need to protect her____。(private)



To protect the environment, scientists and engineers are researching ways to ()electr




















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