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Managers can achieve the results of duration matching by using these to hedge interest

rate risk.()

A、Rate sensitive assets

B、Rate sensitive liabilities

C、Coupon bonds

D、Consol bonds


更多“Managers can achieve the results of duration matching by using these to hedge interest”相关的问题


为什么企业经理或许会实现不同于企业股东利润最大化的目标?Why might managers of firms be able to achieve objective other than profit maximization, the goal of the firm's shareholders?



What are the various communication methods managers can use? What criteria can managers use to evaluate those communication methods?
What are the various communication methods managers can use? What criteria can managers use to evaluate those communication methods?



Describe operand conditioning and how managers can shape behavior.



What implications from this story can you see for managers and communication?
What implications from this story can you see for managers and communication?



Explain how an understanding of perception can help managers better understand individual behavior. Name there cursor used in judging others.



All business involves people; very frequently the skill level, motivation and initiati
ve of the people in the business determine its success. The Personnel or Human Resource Management departments exist to select, train, and organize the employees according to the needs of each department. If a business fails to achieve the best from its employees (who include everyone who works in the business from workforce to managers and directors) then the performance of the business may suffer.

As a business grows, the managers become more involved in the day-to-day running of the business and sometimes the longer-term perspective is ignored. The directors are responsible for considering the long-term objectives of the business and for ensuring that resources are organized carefully so that long-term objectives are achieved. Directors are also responsible for reporting to shareholders in company reports, and it is the directors, not the managers, who bear the brunt of shareholders' scorn when profits are down, as well as receiving shareholders' praise when profits are up. Ironically, although directors are not known as managers, their whole job is about management!

26. The Human Resource Management Department is set to train employees ().

A. according to customers' requirements

B. according to the needs of each department

C. according to the instructions from the CEO

27.() if the employees are not good enough.

A. The business won't be successful

B. The workforce is not better chosen

C. The managers failed to gain profit

28. The long-term perspective 1s considered by ().

A. employees

B. managers

C. directors

29. Managers and directors have the same () in companies.

A. Management responsibilities

B. salaries

C. working hours

30. Directors report to ().

A. managers

B. shareholders

C. departments



We should set up a national innovation systemwithin which experts in all fields can ()
We should set up a national innovation systemwithin which experts in all fields can ()

andcollaborate to achieve high efficiency.



Project managers are change agents: they make project goals their own and use their skil
ls and expertise to inspire a sense of shared purpose within the project team. They enjoy new challenges and the responsibility of driving business results. They work well under pressure and are comfortable with change and complexity in dynamic environments. They can shift readily between the "big picture" and the small-but-crucial details, knowing when to concentrate on each. Project managers cultivate the people skills needed to develop trust and communication among all of a project' s stakeholders: its sponsors, those who will make use of the project' s results, those who command the resources needed, and the project team members.

They have a broad and flexible toolkit of techniques, resolving complex,interdependent activities into tasks and sub-tasks that are documented, monitored and controlled. They adapt their approach to the context and constraints of each project, knowing that no "one size" can fit all the variety of projects. And they are always improving their own and their teams' skills through lessons-learned reviews at project

completion. Project managers are found in every kind of organization -- as employees, managers, contractors and independent consultants. With experience, they may become program managers (responsible for multiple related projects) or portfolio managers (responsiblefor selection, prioritization and alignment of projects and programs with an organization' s strategy) . And they are in increasing demand worldwide. For decades, as the pace of economic and technological change has quickened, organizations have been directing more and more

of their energy into projects rather than routine operations.

(1) .Which of the following is NOT enjoyed by projectmanagers?



C、Status quo

(2) .Which of the following is NOT concerned by project managers?

A、Theoverall situation

B、The non-crucial details

C、The crucial details

(3) .Which of the following is a TRUE statement about projectmanagers?

A、They do not need to keep contact with all of a project’ sstakeholders

B、They use one model to solve problems in various projects

C、Theyimprove their skills after completion of each project

(4) .Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a career possibility for experienced project manager?

A、Becoming general manager of anorganization

B、Running several projects at the same time

C、Allocating projects to other project managers

(5) .Which of the following can be an alternative title for thepassage?

A、Requirements of project managers

B、Future development of projectmanagers

C、Career development of project managers



The two most obvious changes in American economy are the emergence of a highly sophist
icated technology and the rise of giant corporations.In addition, market forces have lost some of their significance as planning has become more important.The government has assumed a greatly changed role in the economy.Property relationships and decision-making power have shifted.The demand for highly educated specialists has increased enormously.

We may think of the American economy, as consisting of two completely different sectors.The world of the giant corporations, which can be called the "industrial system", consists of 500 or 600 firms that provide "nearly all communications, nearly all production and distribution of electric power, much transportation, most manufacturing and mining, a substantial share of retail trade, and a considerable amount of entertainment." Outside of this industrial system fall most agricultural enterprises, some mining and trucking, professional and artistic pursuits, some retail trade, and most personal and domestic services.

The classical economic laws of supply and demand still apply to some degree.But today the industrial sector is characterized far more by planning and certainty than by the free play of market forces.It appears that it could scarcely be otherwise.In large corporations with advanced technological systems and complex organizations of highly trained specialists, plans for producing any one item are made well in advance.Such plans, once made, are hard to change.Because long-term planning demands certainty, market forces are avoided by various means.For example, the corporation may achieve "vertical integration" by buying companies that supply raw materials at one end of the process and distribution outlets at the other.Corporations may agree on "just prices" for things they buy and sell.They may enter mutually advantageous long-term contracts with suppliers and customers.Moreover, in their quest for certainty they generally have the support of the state.

26.The American giant corporations possess so many new characteristics that

A) highly educated managers are important for the corporations

B giant corporations become decentralized

C economic laws of the market are effective inside corporations

D heads of the giant corporations try to control the government

27.By the second paragraph, we know that .

A retail trade accounts for a big part in non-industrial system

B there are more giant corporations than agricultural enterprises

C giant corporations control every part of American economy

D giant corporations provide most of productions and services

28.From the whole passage, we can infer that American economy .

A is experiencing the rise of giant corporations

B is determined by hundreds of giant corporations

C has failed to balance supply and demand

D becomes highly-planned one

29.In the third sentence of last paragraph, the second "it" may refer to.

A classic economic law of supply and demand

B industrial sector

C American economy

D market force

30.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

A American economy is characterized by high technology and giant corporations.

B American economy consists of industrial systems and agricultural enterprises.

C.Market economy is gradually replaced by planned economy.

D Highly trained specialists are needed.



Just about 40% of employees and managers in a North American survey said they know how
they can increase their base pay or cash bonuses. The results suggest employers lose much of the value of the pay raises and bonuses they distribute by not communicating effectively. “Many employees and managers simply don’t understand why they get paid what they do,” points out Rob Heneman, professor of management and human resources, Ohio State University, Columbus. “Businesses can’t get a good return of their compensation investment if people don’t understand how their pay is determined.”

The survey of more than 6,000managers and employees in 26 organizations in the U.S. and Canada showed that employees and managers felt their employers did a good job explaining their performance objectives and the way their performance is measured. They were unclear, though, about how performance was related to pay. Surprisingly, employees reported they knew more about stock options at their companies and how they are determined than how base pay is. However, the results showed that base pay knowledge plays a larger role in overall pay satisfaction than do other forms of compensation, such as bonuses. Employees who had higher levels of pay knowledge showed greater overall pay satisfaction, which, in turn, was linked to higher levels of retention(聘用), commitment to the company, and even trust in management. In other words, Heneman emphasizes, ensuring that employees understand their pay is good for a company’s bottom line.

He feels that corporate culture is often a major problem in dealing with the lack of pay knowledge among workers. In many companies, it is considered taboo—or even explicitly forbidden—to discuss matters dealing with salary. In lieu of (代替) disclosing actual pay amounts of employees to others within the company, management can provide more information about pay practices and policies, such as the process used to determine salary, and the average of raises in a particular year. Workers want more than generalities; they want to know how pay policies apply to their particular situation, Heneman points out. That often means managers need to sit down with their employees one-on-one.

21. What does the North American Survey mainly suggest?

A. If the employers make their pay policy known better, the company would get more in return.

B. If the employers make their pay policy known better, they would get pay raises and bonuses.

C. If the employees know more about the pay policy of the company, they would get more.

D. If the employees know more about the pay policy of the company, they would become one in the management.

22. The employers of many companies failed to ______.

A. explain what their performance objectives were

B. explain the way performance was measured

C. explain the way performance was related to pay

D. explain how performance was related to promotion

23. Which of the following is the most important factor in overall pay satisfaction?

A. Stock options.

B. Bonuses.

C. Corporate culture.

D. Base pay.

24. The employees who understand and are satisfied with their pay would ______.

A. be willing to remain in the bottom line

B. be willing to be loyal and dedicated to the company

C. be ensured that their pay is justified

D. be ensured that their employers are worthwhile

25. What can employers do to help their employees know better how pay is determined?

A. They can shatter the taboo by encouraging discussion about salary matters among the employees.

B. They can disclose pay amounts of employees to others within the company.

C. They can talk with individual employee about how pay policies apply to his particular situation.

D. They can tell all employees the total of raises in a particular year.



The Museum of Contemporary(当代的) Art (MOCA) has started a new series of programs ,know
n as “Art Makes Good Business.” It is designed to educate company managers about why art makes good business and how to take full advantage of it.

The event is open to new and current corporate(企业法人的) members of MOCA.An understanding and appreciation of art is becoming a must in today's business world.Art can be a valuable tool for seeking new ways to communicate with customers and raising public awareness of your company's role in the community.

During the coming months the series will look into the relationship between art,business and community.The series will cover how to understand modern art and how art can help improve a company's image.Art Makes Good Business speakers will include leaders from the business and art worlds.Bookings are required.Space is limited.For more information call 305-893-6211 or visit www..org.

1.The purpose of the museum's new programs is to show ___.

A.the management of business by artists

B.the role of art in improving business

C.the education of modern artists

D.the way to design art programs

2.The Art Makes Good Business program is intended for ___.

A.the general public

B.modern art lovers

C.corporate members of MOCA

D.people involved in art business

3.MOCA members who take part in the programs can learn ___.

A.to become leader in business and art worlds

B.to co-operate with other members of MOCA

C.the new ways of communication between people

D.about the relationship between art,business and community

4.Those who want to attend lectures by Art Makes Good Business speakers must ___.

A.make a booking

B.pay additional fees

C.understand modern art

D.be successful managers

5.This advertisement aims to ___.

A.improve the relationship between companies

B.stress the important role of art in education

C.attract MOCA members to the programs

D.raise funds for museums of modern art


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