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A pedestrian was critically injured in a Westwood area car accident near the corner of Wilshire Boulevard and Veteran Avenue early morning on January 5, 2016.

The police said it involved a hit-and-run driver. The car was dark and was last seen traveling east on Ashton Avenue from Veteran Avenue. The investigation is ongoing.

It appears that the driver struck and seriously injured the pedestrian, and left the victim lying in the roadway without even stopping to help or call emergency personnel. Outrageous! Leaving the scene of an injury or fatal crash is a serious crime under California law. California Vehicle Code 20001 (a) states: “The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to a person, other than himself or herself, or in the death of a person shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident.”

We hope the driver in this case is arrested and brought to justice. If you have any information about the suspect or the vehicle, please visit the Hit-and-Run Reward website at hitandrunreward.com to offer a useful tip and become qualified for a $1,000 reward.


1. A pedestrian was dead in the hit-and-run case.{T; F}

2. Leaving the scene of an injury or fatal crash is not a serious crime under California law.{T; F}

3. The investigation is going on.{T; F}

4. The driver was against the California Vehicle Code 20001.{T; F}

5. Any information about hit-and-run cases provided via hitandrunreward.com can get $1,000 reward.{T; F}



阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误。Lockwood Middle School307 Main StreetLockwood, NJ 51686De


Lockwood Middle School

307 Main Street

Lockwood, NJ 51686

December 10, 2008

Mrs. Jody Coling


Lockwood Health Association

23 Main Street

Lockwood, NJ

Dear Mrs. Coling,

My name is Susan Harris and I am writing on behalf of the students at Lockwood Middle School.

Many students at the school have been working on a project which relates to the unemployment problem in Lockwood. You are invited to attend a presentation that will be held in the media room of the school. The students will present a variety of proposals to solve the problem.

At the presentation, there will be several students receiving recognition awards from the headmaster. Refreshments will also be available.

As you are a prominent figure in the community, we would be honored by your attendance. Our special presentation will be held on January 16th. Please reply by Monday the 9th of January to confirm your attendance at the function.

We look forward to seeing you there.


Ms. Susan Harris


1. Susan Harris is writing on behalf of the teachers at Lockwood Middle School.{T; F}

2. The students have no ideas how to solve the unemployment problem in Lockwood.{T; F}

3. There will be several students receiving awards from the Headmaster at the presentation.{T; F}

4. Refreshments will not be served at the presentation.{T; F}

5. Mrs. Coling is a prominent figure in the community.{T; F}"






Every coin has two sides and questionnaires are no different. With questionnaires, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.


Compared to face-to-face interviews, questionnaires are cheaper for

collecting data from a large number of respondents. Also, questionnaires are easy to analyze, and computer software can easily complete data entry and make tables for nearly all surveys. Questionnaires are familiar to most people as nearly everyone has had some experience completing one. Questionnaires reduce bias when there are no clues to affect the respondents.


One main disadvantage of questionnaires is the possibility of low response rates which reduces our confidence in the results. Another disadvantage is they provide little flexibility for the respondents. What’s more, many times the respondent is not the same person you sent the

questionnaire to. Finally, questionnaires are not suitable for some people. For example, a survey to a group of poorly educated people might not work because of reading problems.

1. The advantages of questionnaire are more than disadvantages.{T、F}

2. Questionnaire is the cheapest way for collecting data from respondents.{T、F}

3. Questionnaires have the advantage of being analyzed easily through the computer software.{T、F}

4. Questionnaire is suitable for everyone.{T、F}

5. The respondent is usually the same person you sent the questionnaire to.{T、F}



阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为“T”,错误为“F”。The world’s longest hig


The world’s longest high-speed railway route, running from Beijing to Guangzhou, has been in operation for a few years. It cuts travel time between the two cities from 22 hours to only 8 hours. With comfortable seats and quiet cabins, this high-speed line offers a pleasant journey for thousands of travelers.

The high speed railway connects Beijing with five provincial capitals. Part of the line, from Zhengzhou to Guangzhou, was in operation before the whole line was connected. The opening of the Beijing to Zhengzhou section has connected the entire line. It covers a total length of 2,298 kilometers.

The Beijing-Guangzhou line connects one third of China’s population and more than 40 percent of its economic power. Travelers benefit from the efficient network, and find that their hometowns are not that far away.

As the American publication _Newsweek_ puts itA、China is now engaged in a “railway revolution”. These 350 kilometer per hour high-speed railway trains have made the country’s vast territory “substantially smaller”, and changed the country economically.

1.The world’s longest high-speed railway route, running from Beijing to Guangzhou, has been in operation for a few years.{T、F}

2.It cuts travel time between the two cities from 22 hours to only 6 hours.{T、F}

3. The opening of the Beijing to Zhengzhou section has linked with the total route.{T、F}

4.The Beijing-Guangzhou line connects one third of China’s population and more than 40 percent of its economic power.{T、F}

5.These 350 kilometer per hour high-speed railway trains have made the country’s vast territory “considerably smaller”, and changed the country economically.{T、F}



阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。USE THESE 5 (OF 10) TIPS



STEP 1 – Get experience and volunteer your time in different event services. There are so many aspects of events including, working for a graduation event, a sports competition, volunteering for nonprofits, and working for an established event planner. Your long-term success in event planning will be based on the experience you had.Make sure you have some solid skills in:

* Verbal and written communications

* Organization and time management

* Negotiation and budget management

* Creativity, marketing, public relations and more

STEP 2 – Move into a position with some responsibility. Instead of just volunteering, become the fundraising chair for a nonprofit, become a catering manager, or take on a lead-planning role at an event planning company.

STEP 3 – Are you familiar with the saying, “it’s not what you know, but who you know”? In event planning, networking is key! Wherever you go, collect contact information for the people you meet.

STEP 4 – Create an event album. Showcase your work with photos, booklets, and invitations of the events you’ve worked on. Organize each piece in a book to easily present your experience and event stories. Most people are visual so paint the picture for them!

STEP 5 – While you’re gaining valuable event planning experience, you can also become a certified event planner. Join some training and try to get planner certification from some institutions. It’s also helpful to keep up with industry trends and establish contacts within the industry.

1. You can plan a success event if you have experience.{T、F}

2. You will move into a position with some responsibility only through volunteering.{T、F}

3. Networking is the key to event planning.{T、F}

4. Create an event album means taking photos in the event.{T、F}

5. You can become a certified event planner as well when you gain valuable event planning experience.{T、F}



理解: 根据文章内容, 判断正误。(共 50 分)

What Do you Say in A Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a letter of introduction sent along with a résum é or curriculum vitae (CV) . How do you write a successful cover letter?

Bear these points in mind, and you' ll always make a great impression.

Keep your cover letter brief and to the point. Writing more than one page is usually unnecessary. If it is sent in an email, writing three short paragraphs is quite sufficient.

Explain why you are sending a résumé. Don' t make the reader guess what you are asking for. Tell specifically how you learned about the position or the organization – a flyer posted in your department, a web site, a family friend who works at the organization, etc.

Convince the reader to look at your résumé. The cover letter will be seen first. Therefore, it must be very well written and targeted to that employer.

Call attention to your background – education, leadership, experience – that is relevant to the position you are seeking.

Provide any information specifically requested in the job advertisement that might not be covered in your résumé, such as availability date, or references.?

操作提示: 正确选 T, 错误选 F。

(1)A cover letter is a letter of introduction sent along with a résumé.

(2)The cover letter is usually more than one page.

(3)There is no need to explain why you are sending a résumé.

(4)The cover letter must be very well written.

(5) Education background is irrelevant to the position you are seeking.



阅读理解阅读下面的文章,根据文章内容判断文章后的句子是正确(T)还是错误(F)。THE INTERNATIONA




With the rapid globalization of food production and trade, international issues related to food safety are likely to increase. Food safety authorities all over the world have realized that food safety problems should be carried out at both national and international levels. There is a pressing need for exchanging routine information on food safety issues, and sharing experiences and information quickly when a food safety related event takes place.

INFOSAN is a joint program between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This global network includes 181 Member States. Each has a designated INFOSAN Emergency Contact Point which manages communication between national food safety authorities.

The network aims to:

Promote the rapid exchange of information during food safety related events;

Share information on important food safety related issues of global interest;

Promote partnership and cooperation between countries;

Help countries strengthen their capacity to manage food safety risks.

As part of its routine activities, the INFOSAN Secretariat publishes reports in six languages and provides members with summaries and guidance on relevant food safety issues.

INFOSAN helps exchange food safety information and experience among its members. It is also a useful resource for other public health organizations which recognize INFOSAN as an organization through which findings of investigations and strategies for improving food safety may be shared.

INFOSAN monitors possible international food safety related events in close cooperation with the WHO Alert and Response Operations program. INFOSAN can work with other international organizations to provide assistance to the countries or regions with emerging food safety events of possible international concern.


1. It is probable that there will be more and more safety related issues worldwide. {T; F}

2. Food safety authorities in each country believe that food safety problems should be solved within their country. {T; F}

3. The major duty of the INFOSAN Emergency Contact Point in each FAO member state is to manage communication between national food safety authorities. {T; F}

4. Public health organizations can get findings of investigations and strategies for food safety improvement from INFOSAN. {T; F}

5. INFOSAN monitors possible international events concerning food safety independently. {T; F}



阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Want to keep your


Want to keep your staff motivated about learning new concepts? The quality and variety of the employee training you provide are keys for motivation. Reasons to {A. offerB、B. completeB、C. take} employee training are many, from new-hire operational training to introducing a new concept to a work group to installing a new computer system.

{A. WhereverB、B. HoweverB、C. Whatever} your reason for conducting an employee training session, it’s critical to develop the employee training within the framework of a comprehensive, ongoing and consistent program.This employee training program is essential to keep your staff motivated about learning new concepts and {A. ultimateB、B. ultimatelyB、C. ultimation} keep your department profitable.

A complete employee training program includes a formal new hire training program with an overview of the job expectations and performance skills {A. needB、B. neededB、C. needing} to perform. job functions. A new hire training program provides a fundamental understanding of the position and how the position fits within the organizational structure.Another aspect of a comprehensive employee training program is continuing {A. continueB、B. continuedB、C. continuing} education. This is an important function in order to keep all staff members current about policies, procedures, and the technology.



阅读理解阅读下面的文章,根据文章内容判断文章后的句子是正确(T)还是错误(F)。SAVE MONEY BY UN




To save money, you simply need to spend less than you earn. It is easy to say, but why is it so difficult to do? To answer this question, you need to study the factors that keep you spending all the time.


For most people, this is the biggest reason for overspending. People can easily get a credit card, simply by filling out a short form. in a bank or jumping on their website. They can borrow money from banks to go shopping, even buy cars or houses. When you aren't physically handing someone money or a check for a purchase, you will feel you are spending free money or you aren't spending money at all. Try using cash to get your spending under control.


A credit card is an interest free short-term loan. When used as planned, this can be a powerful financial tool. The problem is when you begin to let the balance continue from month to month. If you make a $200 purchase on your credit card and find out that at the end of the month you can't afford to repay the full amount, this is when the high interest rates on the cards really begin to hurt you. That is no way of saving money.


We all need to enjoy life, but don't waste your financial future for a few guilty pleasures today if they aren't in your budget. When you know that you can't afford an activity, don't give in. Instead, invite your friends over for a home dinner party, game night, or some other activities where you can still enjoy time together, but without breaking your budget.


Everyone enjoys getting something new — buying yourself something feels good. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, as long as you don't go overboard. You'll feel good about your purchase whether you make it with cash or by credit card, but you'll feel even better when you don't have to spend the next two years trying to pay it off with 20% interest.


1. You have to pay for the credit card loans by the end of each month. {T; F}

2. Using a credit card to pay is spending free money. {T; F}

3. It's easy to get a credit card but hard to make ends meet. {T; F}

4. If you suffer from a deficit this month, you simply have to pay it off by the original amount in the future. {T; F}

5. “Spending to feel good” means keeping your spending within the budget. {T; F}




An annual report provides __1__ information about an organization.People read annual reports in different ways. Some even __2__ to start at the back and work their way to the beginning. It makes __3__ difference how you read them as long as you get the essential points of the business and its financial condition.However, there is a good way to solve these reports that is __4__ most efficient and most effective. You can’ t possibly go any further in your research __5__ knowing what the company does! How can you insure that you have understood the report? Just ask yourself if you understand what the company does and who its customers are.







阅读下面的句子,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F” Hi, I am Zhao Xin from Beijing. I just enrolled at The Open University last month. Now I'm a freshman at. the School of Social Work. As a social work major, I can help


Hi, I am Zhao Xin from Beijing. I just enrolled at The Open University last month. Now I'm a freshman at. the School of Social Work. As a social work major, I can help take care of the homeless and sick people, talk to them and accompany them, do the cleaning and other house chores. I enjoy helping people and want to live a meaningful life.

I love being a social worker. I used to look after the elderly at a nursing home when I was in middle school. It gives me a feeling of pride to bring happiness to others. I want to make a difference in the world.

()26. Zhao Xin is studying in the Open University now.

()27. His major is marketing.

()28. He is looking after the elderly at a nursing home nowadays.

()29. He .wants to change the world and make it better.

()30. He is proud of being a social worker.



阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。The houses we live


The houses we live in are very {A. expensiveB、B. importantB、C. huge}. They keep us from being cold in the winter and hot in the summer. In the winter they keep out of the snow. They also keep out the wind. Even if it is blowing outside, we are nice and warm inside. In the summer houses keep the hot sun from us. When it rains, they keep us from getting wet.

Houses are also places {A. whichB、B. thatB、C. where} we feel safe. People can’t get at us or our things. Houses give us a place to be together with our families and friends. Mothers and fathers {A. care forB、B. care aboutB、C. take care} their children there. The children play there. The family eat and sleep under the same roof.

Houses are different in many ways. They are made of different things. Some houses are made of wood. Some are made of stones. Sometimes more than one thing is used to make a house.

Houses come in different {A. placesB、B. sizesB、C. names}. Some houses have only one room. Some houses have more than one room. Big buildings found in cities have a great many rooms. They hold many families. The rooms in which each family lives are called an apartment.

Houses are different in the ways they are {A. buildB、B. buildingB、C. built}. Houses in tropic countries can be lightly built. In places where it rains much of the time, houses must keep out the water.

take care (“注意”,“当心”,“留心”)


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