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15 months that can change your lifeTeachers and students agree – a gap year is a unique experience that can 1 your life forever. Gap years usually 2 when a student leaves schools in June and last 3 they start higher education in October of the following year. Prince William’s decision to have a gap year in Patagonia was typical of 4 people in the UK – they take a 5 from studying and see some of the world 6 going on to university or 7 . It’s 8 opportunity to enjoy a bit of adventure, travel, maybe 9 some work experience or spend some time 10 other people.1 A change B live C have2 A finish B begin C continue3 A so that B but C until4 A young B old C rich5 A breath B nap C break6 A when B before C after7 A college B work C school8 A a B / C an9 A gain B lose C won10 A help B helping C helped

更多“15 months that can change your lifeTeachers and students agree – a gap year is a unique experience t…”相关的问题


Open a savings account. Savings accounts are good for(1)reasons. First, you have money
Open a savings account. Savings accounts are good for(1)reasons. First, you have money

(2)you need it. A good rule is to save enough money to pay(3)three months of your living expenses, just in case you get sick or have other problems. Second, you can(4)money by saving money. Banks, saving and loan companies, and credit unions all pay interest on money(5)in savings accounts. You can(6)an account at the bank(7)you have your checking account. Or you can look for(8)place to save your money—another bank, a savings and loan company,(9)a credit union. It is easier(10)all your banking in one place. But you may want to put your money(11)it will earn the highest(12). See how(13)interest your bank is paying on saving accounts. Then check other 10 points 10 points 3 places to find the best interest rate. Opening a savings account is very(14)to opening a checking account. The New Accounts(15)will do all the paperwork and take your deposit. Most bank expect you(16)a certain amount of money to open your savings account. The account is different(17)different banks. At some banks you will get a book(18)the bank record your savings. Whenever you deposit money in your savings account or withdraw money, the teller(19)the amount in your book. Periodically—for example,(20)—the teller will also record your interest.





(2)A.in case















D.having kept










B.the other


D.the others






B.to be done

C.to doing

D.to do





















(16)A.to deposit



D.to depositing





(18)A.in which

B.in that





C.will record


(20)A.three months every

B.every months three

C.every three months

D.months every three



You can move in(A) at any time(B), but you have to pay(C) 3 months' rent on advanc
You can move in(A) at any time(B), but you have to pay(C) 3 months' rent on advanc








— Can you tell something about your life in London for the past six months?


A.Sorry.I can’t.

B.Why do you ask such a question?

C.Certainly.I’ll tell you.

D.Sorry.I don’t want to talk with you.



Hello, sir. ______--- Hi. Uh, I have this cassette player here that I bought about six m
Hello, sir. ______

--- Hi. Uh, I have this cassette player here that I bought about six months ago. It just ruined four of my favorite tapes.

A、What are you looking for?

B、What do you want to buy?

C、What can I do for you?

D、Why do you come here again?



Now comes July, and with it examinations; but these are soon finished and with them en
ds the school year.Boys and girls have nearly two months’ holiday before them as they leave school by train and car to return home to their fathers and mothers.

The summer holidays are the best part of the year for most children.The weather is usually good, so that one can spend most of one’s time playing in the garden or, if one lives in the country, out in the woods and fields.Even if one lives in a big town, one can usually go to a park to play.

The best place for a summer holiday, however, is the seaside.Some children are lucky enough to live near the sea, but for the others who do not, a week or two at one of the big seaside towns is something which they will talk about for the whole of the following year.

In England, it is not only the rich who can take their children to the seaside; if a factory worker or a bus driver, a street cleaner or a waiter wants to take his wife and children to Southend or Margate, Blackpool or Clacton, he is usually quite able to do so.

Now, what is it that children like so much about the seaside? I think it is the sand, sea and sun more than any other things.Of course, there are lots of new things to see, nice things to eat, and exciting things to do, but it is the feeling of sand under one’s feet, of salt water on one’s skin, and of the warm sun on one’s back that makes the seaside what it is.

1.Summer holidays start _________.

A.with July

B.as soon as the examinations are over

C.in mid-June

D.in August

2.After the examination, all pupils leave for home ________.

A.by train only

B.by air

C.by bike

D.by either train or car

3.The summer holiday lasts _______.

A.as long as two months

B.more that two months

C.one and a half months

D.a little less than two months

4.July and August are the brightest months for most children, for they can _______.

A.stay with their parents for all the vacation

B.do more reading

C.play out of doors

D.meet their old friends

5.Children like the seaside so much because they can _______.

A.swim in the sea

B.play with the sand

C.take a sun bath

D.do all of the above



How to Find Time to ReadDo you want to know how to improve yourself all the time without h

How to Find Time to Read

Do you want to know how to improve yourself all the time without having to spend more time reading because you get involved in work everyday? Does it sound too good to be true? Well, read on, please.

An Average Reader

If you are an average reader you can read an average book at the rate of 300 words a minute. You cannot maintain that average, however, unless you read regularly every day. Nor can you reach that speed with hard books in science, mathematics, agriculture, business, or any subject that is new or unfamiliar to you. The chances are that you will never attempt that speed with poetry or want to race through some passages in fiction over which you wish to linger. But for most of the novels, biographies, and books about travel, hobbies or personal interests, if you are an average reader you should have no trouble at all in absorbing meaning and pleasure out of 300 printed words every 60 seconds.

Statistics are not always practical, but consider the following: If the average reader can read 300 words a minute of average reading, then in 15 minutes he can read 4 500 words. Multiplied by 7, the days of the week, the product is 315 000. Another multiplication by 12, the months of the year, results in a grand total of 1 512 000 words. That is the total number of words of average reading an average reader can do in just 15 minutes a day for one year.

Books vary in length from 60 000 to 1 000 000 words. The average is about 75 000 words. In one year of average reading by an average reader for 15 minutes a day, 20 books will be read. That's a lot of books. It is 4 times the number of books read by public-library borrowers in America. And yet it is easily possible.

Sir William Osier

One of the greatest of all modern physicians was Sir William Osier. He taught at the Johns Hopkins Medical School He finished his teaching days at McGill University. Many of the out-standing physicians today were his students. Nearly all of the practicing doctors of today were brought up on his medical textbooks. Among his many remarkable contributions to medicine are his unpublished notes on how the people die.

His greatness is attributed by his biographers and critics not alone to his profound medical knowledge and insight but to his broad general education, for he was a very cultured man. He was very interested in what men have done and taught throughout the ages. And he knew that the only way to find out what the best experiences of the race had been was to read what people had written. But Osler's problem was the same as everyone else's, only more so. He was a busy physician, a teacher of physicians, and a medical-research specialist. There was no time in a 4-hour day that did not rightly belong to one of these three occupations, except the few hours for sleep, meals, and bodily functions.

Osler arrived at his solution early. He would read the last 15 minutes before he want to sleep. If bedtime was set for 11:00 Pm, he read from 11:00 to 11:15. If research kept him up to 2:00 AM, he read from 2:00 to 2:15. Over a very long time, Osler never broke the role once he had established it. We have evidence that after a while he simply could not fall asleep until he had done his 15 minutes of reading.

In his lifetime, Osler read a significant library of books. Just do a mental calculation for halfa century of 15-minute reading periods daily and see how many books you get. Consider what a range of interests and variety of subjects are possible in one lifetime. Osler read widely outside of medical specialty. Indeed, he developed from this 15-minute reading habit a vocational specialty to balance his vocational specialization. Among scholars in English literature, Osler is known as an authority on Sir Thomas Browne, seventeenth century English prose master, and Osler's library on Sir Thomas is considered one of t






Psychological research has focused on a number of basic principles that help memory:m
eaningfulness, organization, association, and visualization.It is useful to know how there principles work.

Meaningfulness affects memory at all levels.Information that does not make any sense to you is difficult to remember.There are several ways in which we can make material more meaningful.Many people, for instance, learn a rhyme to help them remember.Do you know the rhyme "Thirty days has September, April, June, and November..."? It helps many people remember which months of the year have 30 day s.

Organization also makes a difference in our ability to remember.How useful would a library be if the books were kept in random order? Material that is organized is better remembered than jumbled information.One example of organization is chunking.C hunking consists of grouping separate bits of information.For example, the number 4671363 is more easily remembered if it is chunked as 467, 13, 63.Categorizing is another means of organization.Suppose you are asked to remember the following list of wor ds: man, bench, dog, desk, woman, horse, child, cat, chair.Many people will group the words into similar categories and remember them as follows: man, woman, child; cat, dog, horse; bench, chair, desk.Needless to say, the second list can be remembered mo re easily than the first one.

Association refers to taking the material we want to remember and relating it to something we remember accurately.In memorizing a number, you might try to associate it with familiar numbers or events.For example, the heigh t of Mount Fuji in Japan -12,389 feet -might be remembered using the following associations: 12 is the number of months in the year, and 389 is the number of days in a year (365) added to the number of months twice (24).

The last principle is visualizati on.Research has shown striking improvements in many types of memory tasks when people are asked to visualize the items to be remembered.In one study, subjects in one group were asked to learn some words using imagery, while the second group used repetiti on to learn the words.Those using imagery remembered 80 to 90 percent of the words, compared with 30 to 40 percent of the words for those who memorized by repetition.Thus forming an integrated image with all the information placed in a single mental pict ure can help us to preserve a memory.

1.What kind of information is easy for us to remember?()

A.Information that does not make any sense to us

B.Information that we are not familiar with

C.Information that is meaningful to us

D.Information that we are not interested in

2.Which of the following pairs are rhymes?()





3.The second list of words in para.3 is organized according to().

A.the rhyme

B.the word category

C.th e first letters of words

D.the meanings

4.Books are kept in a library().

A.according to their size

B.in random order

C.in a jumbled way

D.in different categories

5.What method can better help form. a whole mental picture about the ti ngs to be remembered?()







If you are staying in the UK for more than 6 months, it may be useful to open a UK ban
k account. There are a lot of advantages of having a UK current (checking) account:

Paying bills

Many landlords prefer to collect rent directly from a bank account.

You may be able to obtain cheaper services if you pay bills directly from a bank account,e. g. telephone, gas/water/electricity.

If you are given a chequebook, you can also write cheques as a safe way of paying for things.


You can easily obtain money from cash machines,or pay directly from your account using a debit card(借记卡).

Saving money

It is generally cheaper to use a UK account than it is to pay by credit card(信用卡)or withdraw (提取) cash from a foreign bank.


If you work in the UK,some employers require you to have a bank account so that you can get your pay.

Advantages of UK Current Account

Paying bills: 1) to pay rent directly from ①

2) to obtain ② services

3) to pay for things with cheques safely

Cash:1)to obtain money from ③ easily

21 to pay directly from your account

Saving money:cheaper to use a ④ account

Employment:to get your ⑤ through a bank account



Hopewell sells a line of goods under a six-month warranty.Any defect arising during t

Hopewell sells a line of goods under a six-month warranty.Any defect arising during that period is repaired free of charge.Hopewell has calculated that if all the goods sold in the last six months of the year required repairs the cost would be $2 million.If all of these goods had more serious faults and had to be replaced the cost would be $6 million.

The normal pattern is that 80% of goods sold will be fault-free, 15% will require repairs and 5% will have to be replaced.

What is the amount of the provision required().

A、$2 million

B、$1.6 million

C、$6 million

D、$0.6 million



If you take the following steps, you can make a satisfactory annual report. And your boss and other supporters will be impressed.

Defining your accomplishments. What difference did you make? What has changed in your community or field because of your work over the past year? Take all of your activities over the last 12 months and divide them into three to five major accomplishments.

Less is more: Be selective. If you include everything, the annual report becomes cluttered with information. You should think about what you want to focus on, and then select statistics to represent that and highlight key achievements with photos, or case studies, etc.

Adding visuals and charts: Visuals and charts can reduce the need for texts and details. And they will make the report more attractive. It’s great if you produce a full-color publication with lots of nice photography. Of course, it will depend on your resources.

A strong call to action: A strong call to action at the end of your report will impress the readers deeply. Make it clear what you’d like your readers to do once they’ve read it.

1. Do you have to gather all the information since you entered the company before writing the annual report? ()



C.Not given.

2. Is it reasonable to include everything of the company in order to make the annual report informative? ()



C.Not given.

3. What does the underlined phrase “Less is more” mean? ()

A.Using fewer words, making fewer parts, and so on, is simpler, and more efficient than the opposite.

B.The fewer, the better.

C.The more, the better.

4. Which is NOT TURE for the functions of the visuals and charts? ()

A.They can reduce the need for texts and details.

B.They can make the report more attractive.

C.They can make the report harder to be understood.

5. How many steps should you take to make your report impressive? ()












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