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Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A.Her ‘lucky birthda


B.Her wedding anniversary.

C.A call from her dad.

D.A special gift from the man.

9.A.Gave her a big model plane.

B.Took her on a trip overseas.

C.Bought her a good necklace.

D.Threw her a surprise party.

10.A.The gift her husband has bought.

B.The trip her husband has planned.

C.What has been troubling her husband.

D.What her husband and the man are up to.


A.He will be glad to be a guide for the couple’s holiday trip.

B.He will tell the women the secret if her husband agrees.

C.He is eager to learn how the couple’s holiday turns out.

D.He wants to find out about the couple’s holiday plan.


更多“Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A.Her ‘lucky birthda”相关的问题


Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conve

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.

听力原文:M: What would you do if you heard a strange noise in the middle of the night?

W: I'd lie awake a little while, waiting to see if it happened again. And if it did, I would get up and see for myself to decide whether to call 911.

Q: How would you describe the woman?








Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conve

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.

听力原文:W: How did you find your job? Did any of your near relatives tell you about it?

M: I looked and looked for months without finding anything. Then I saw it advertised in the paper. So I applied and got it.

Q: How did the man learn about the job?


A.He knew about it from an ad in the newspaper.

B.A close friend told him about it.

C.He heard about it from one of his relatives.

D.He saw it on a list of job openings.



听力原文:M: Can we make you an offer? We would like to run the campaign for four extra wee

W: Well, can we summarize the problem from our point of view? First of all, the campaign was late. It missed two important trade fairs. The ads also did not appear into key magazines. As a result, the campaign failed. Do you accept that summary of what happened?

M: Well, the delay wasn't entirely our fault. You did in fact make late changes to the specifications of the advertisements.

W: Hmm, actually, you were late with the initial proposals, so you had very little time. And in fact, we only asked for small changes.

M: Well, whatever. Can we repeat our offer to run the campaign for four extra weeks?

W: That's not really the point. The campaign missed two key trade fairs. Because of this, we're asking you either to repeat the campaign next year for free, or we only pay 50% of the fee for this year.

M; Could we suggest a 20% reduction to the fee together with the four-week sustention to the campaign?

W: We are not happy. We lost business.

M: I think we both made mistakes. The responsibility is on both sides.

W: Ok, let's suggest a new solution. How about a 40% cut in fee, or a free repeat campaign?

M: Well, let's take a break. We're not getting very far. Perhaps we should think about this.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. What do we learn about the man's company?

23. Why was the campaign delayed according to the man?

24. What did the woman propose as a solution to the problem?

25. What does the man suggest they do at the end of the conversation?


A.It publishes magazines.

B.It is engaged in product design.

C.It sponsors trade fairs.

D.It runs sales promotion campaigns.



Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attemptedAPX Accountancy (APX) is an accountancy part

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted

APX Accountancy (APX) is an accountancy partnership with 12 branches covering each of the main cities of Emland. The business is well established, having organically grown over the last 40 years to become the second largest non-international practice in Emland. The accountancy market is mature and expands and contracts along with the general economic performance of Emland.

APX offers accountancy, audit, tax and business advisory services. The current business environment in Emland is dominated by a recession and the associated insolvency work is covered within the business advisory area of APX.

At present, the practice collects the following information for strategic performance evaluation:

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attemptedAPX

The above figures are for the most recent financial year and illustrate the metrics used by APX. Equivalent monthly figures are produced for each of the monthly partner meetings which review practice performance.

The staff are remunerated based on their grade, with non-partners obtaining a bonus of up to 10% of basic salary based on their line managers’ annual review. The partners receive a fixed salary with a share of profit which depends on their contractual responsibilities within the partnership.

The managing partner of APX is dissatisfied with the existing performance management system, as she is not convinced that it is helping to achieve the long-term goal of expanding and ultimately floating the business on the national stock exchange. Therefore, she has asked you to consider the impact of applying Fitzgerald and Moon’s building block approach to performance management in the practice.


(a) Briefly describe Fitzgerald and Moon’s building block model of performance management. (4 marks)

(b) Evaluate the existing performance management system at APX by applying the building block model. (8 marks)

(c) Explain the main improvements the introduction of a building block approach to performance management could provide, and suggest specific improvements to the existing system of performance measures at APX in light of the introduction of the building block model. (8 marks)



Which of the following is not suitable for ending an interview().

A.It’s time to ask the audience for questions

B.We’ve covered quite a bit in this conversation

C.That’s all

D.Thank you for taking the time to talk with me



What will Melinda do after the conversation?()

A.Prepare a recruitment advertisement

B.Telephone all candidates for the interview

C.Go over interview questions









Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.The method for making beer has chang

Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.

The method for making beer has changed over time. Hops (啤酒花),for example, which give many a modem beer its bitter flavor, are a (26)_______ recent addition to the beverage. This was first mentioned in reference to brewing in the ninth century. Now, researchers have found a (27)_______ingredient in residue (残留物)from 5,000-year-old beer brewing equipment. While digging two pits at a site in the central plains of China, scientists discovered fragments from pots and vessels. The different shapes of the containers (28)_______ they were used to brew, filter, and store beer. They may be ancient “beer-making tools,” and the earliest (29_______ evidence of beer brewing in China, the researchers reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. To (30)_______ that theory, the team examined the yellowish, dried (31)_______ inside the vessels. The majority of the grains, about 80%, were from cereal crops like barley (大麦),and about 10% were bits of roots, (32)_______lily,which would have made the beer sweeter, the scientists say. Barley was an unexpected find: the crop was domesticated in Western Eurasia and didn&39;t become a (33)_______food in central China until about 2,000 years ago, according to the researchers. Based on that timing, they indicate barley may have (34)_______ in the region not as food, but as (35)_______material for beer brewing.

A) Arrived

B) consuming

C) direct

D) exclusively

E) including

F) inform

G) raw

H) reached

I) relatively

J) remains


L) staple

M) suggest

N) surprising

O) test



Questions 下列各 are based on the following passage. A day after the mobile phone celebra
ted its 40th birthday, Facebook has produced something that it hopes will make certain of the devices even more useful. On April 4th the giant social network 36 Home, new software that is designed to give it more prominence on mobile phones powered by Android, an operating system developed by Google. This matters because more and more folk are now accessing social networks from mobile devices rather than from desktop computers and because mobile advertising 37 are growing fast, albeit from a low base. Without a robust mobile 38 , Facebook could see some of its users siphoned off by rivals born in the mobile era. And it could miss out on a 39 massive source of new revenue. There had been 40 that Facebook was working on a phone of its own, or at least on a mobile operating system to rival Android or Apples IOS. But dabbling in hardware at this stage of its development would be a huge risk for Facebook and developing a rival operating system would risk 41 Apple and Google, whose mobile platforms have helped power its advertising growth, eMarketer, a research firm, 42 Facebook is on track to win 11% of the $13.6 billion likely to be spent around the world on mobile ads this year. Home, which is a group of Facebook apps, avoids both pitfalls. Among other things, it 43 a phones home screen (and lock screen) to Facebooks Newsfeed, allowing people to get updates on what their friends are doing without having to launch a 44 app each time they want news. A phone using Home will also notify you when your friends are doing something new, as well as alerting you to new data from other apps. Another feature is a tool called "Chat Heads" that 45 Facebooks message system to a phones regular SMS message offering. This means messages pop up on the home screen along with the senders profile picture, which is enclosed in a small circle.Questions 下列各 are based on the following passage. 请回答(36)题__________.



Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.One in six. Believe it or not, that’

Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.

One in six. Believe it or not, that’s the number of Americans who struggle with hunger.

To make tomorrow a little better, Feeding America, the nation’s largest 36 hunger-

relief organization, has chosen September as Hunger Action Month. As part of its 30 Ways in

30 Days program, it’s asking 37 across the country to help the more than 200 food

banks and 61,000 agencies in its network provide low-income individuals and families with

the fuel they need to 38 .

It’s the kind of work that’s done every day at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in San

Antonio. People who 39 at its front door on the first and third Thursdays of each

month aren’t looking for God – they’re there for something to eat. St. Andrew’s runs a

food pantry (食品室)that 40 the city and several of the 41 towns. Janet Drane

is its manager.

In the wake of the 42 , the number of families in need of food assistance began to

grow. It is 43 that 49 million Americans are unsure of where they will find their next

meal. What’s most surprising is that 36% of them live in 44 where at least one adult

is working. “It used to be that one job was all you needed,” says St. Andrew’s Drane. “

The people we see now have three or four part-time jobs and they’re still right on the

edge 45 .” 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。

A.accumulate I.households

B.circling J.recession

C.communities K.reported

D.competition L.reviewed

E.domestic M.serves

F.financially N.surrounding

G.formally O.survive



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