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How useful are the views of public school students about their teachers? Quite useful,

How useful are the views of public school students about their teachers?

Quite useful, according to preliminary results released on Friday from a research project that is intended to find new ways of distinguishing good teachers from bad.

Teachers whose students described them as skillful at maintaining classroom order, at focusing their instruction and at helping their charges learn from their mistakes are often the same teachers whose students learn the most in the course of a year, as measured by gains on standardized test scores, according to a progress report on the research.

Financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the two-year project involves scores of social scientists and some 3,000 teachers and their students in districts such as New York and Pittsburgh.

Statisticians began the effort last year by ranking all the teachers using a statistical method known as value-added modeling, which calculates how much each teacher has helped students learn based on changes in test scores from year to year.

Thousands of students have filled out confidential questionnaires(秘密调查问卷)about the learning environment that their teachers create. After comparing the students ratings with teachers value-added scores, researchers have concluded that there is quite a bit of agreement.

Classrooms where a majority of students said they agreed with the statement, "Our class stays busy and doesnt waste time," tended to be led by teachers with high value-added scores, the report said.

The same was true for teachers whose students agreed with the statement, "In this class, we learn to correct our mistakes."

Few of the nations 15,000 public school districts systematically question students about their classroom experiences, in contrast to American colleges, many of which collect annual student evaluations to improve instruction, Dr Ferguson said.

Until recently, teacher evaluations were little more than a formality(形式)in most school systems, with the vast majority of instructors getting top ratings, often based on a principals superficial impressions.

But now some 20 states are overhauling their evaluation systems, and many policymakers have been asking the Gates Foundation for suggestions on what measures of teacher effectiveness to use, said Vicki L. Phillips, a director of education at the foundation.

One notable early finding, Ms Phillips said, is that teachers who incessantly(不停地)drill their students to prepare for standardised tests tend to have lower value-added learning gains than those who simply work their way methodically through the key concepts of literacy and mathematics.

What is said about teachers rated as good at keeping their classes in order?

A.Their students gain more in test scores.

B.Their classes stay busy and don"t waste time.

C.Their students learn fastest during a semester.

D.They help students learn to correct their mistakes.

更多“How useful are the views of public school students about their teachers? Quite useful,”相关的问题


This book gives some useful()on how to save money?






Which of the following describes “utility”?()

A.how consumers rank different goods and services

B.how useful is a good or service

C.how many different things a good or service can do

D.when consumers use goods or services



About 200,000,000 speak it as their own language. It is difficult to say how many peo
ple are learning it as a () language.







The writer says the application form. is useful because itA.reveals something of the appli

The writer says the application form. is useful because it

A.reveals something of the applicant's character.

B.gives information about the applicant's family.

C.explains what skills the applicant has for the job.

D.shows how much the applicant wants to earn.




An annual report provides __1__ information about an organization.People read annual reports in different ways. Some even __2__ to start at the back and work their way to the beginning. It makes __3__ difference how you read them as long as you get the essential points of the business and its financial condition.However, there is a good way to solve these reports that is __4__ most efficient and most effective. You can’ t possibly go any further in your research __5__ knowing what the company does! How can you insure that you have understood the report? Just ask yourself if you understand what the company does and who its customers are.







Who most probably knows best how to describe people’s personality.().

A.The ancient Greek audience

B.The movie actors


D.The modernT V audience



Peter: Molly, look at this. The newspaper says we should sort trash.Molly: That would be

Peter: Molly, look at this. The newspaper says we should sort trash.

Molly: That would be great! I always hate it when people mixing all the trash together.

Peter: () Many communities have already done that.

Molly: Yeah. The benefits of sorting out trash are obvious.

Peter: For instance?

Molly: If trash is sorted, it can be transferred to factories instead of the disposal plant.

Peter: That makes sense. ()Molly: With trash separated, pollution caused by incineration can be avoided.

Peter: It is high time for us to sort out the trash. Trash is trash only when everything is mixed together. () they can be useful again.

Molly: () Things like paper, glass, and plastics can all be recycled. They can be reused.

Peter: Sorting is good. () If people have no idea how to sort their trash, they will still put all waste in the same bag.

Molly: You are right. People should be informed about how to do that in the first place. Moreover, sorting trash should be made easy for us. Otherwise, few people would bother to do it.

Peter: I hope everything goes smoothly!

Molly: I believe it will.

A. I couldn't agree more.

B. What else?

C. Once we separate and recycle them.

D. But I have a concern.

E. That is really a great advice.






Cary is a recent college graduate. After six months at his new job, he has finally saved enough to buy his first car,

a. Gary knows very little about the differences between makes and models of cars. How could he use market signals. reputation , or standardization to make comparisons?

b. You are a loan officer in a bank. After selecting a car, Gary comes to you seeking a loan.Since he has only recently graduated, he does not have a long credit history. Despite this, the bank has a long history of financing cars of recent college graduate. Is this information useful in Gary's case? If so , how?



We know that trees are useful in our everyday life. They give us many things, such as
wood, oxygen, rubber, medicines and many other things. They can __1__ tell us a lot about our climate. The following are the reasons. If you cut across a tree, you can see that it has many rings. Most trees grow one new ring __2__ year. Because of the reason, we know how old a tree is. A tree over a hundred years old means that it has more than a hundred __3__. When the climate is dry or very cold, the trees do not grow very much and their rings are usually thin. When it is wet and warm, the rings are much thicker. If the rings are suddenly very thin or suddenly very thick, this means that the __4__ changed suddenly. If we look at the rings on this tree, we can learn about the climate for a hundred years. We can see __5__ our climate is changing today.




























Australia is nearly as large as the United States, but most of it is too dry for peopl
e to live in.Around this dry part are large sheep and cow farms.A few of them are as large as the smallest states in America.Often the nearest neighbors are several hundred kilometers away.

The two-way radio is very important to people who live on these great Australian farms.It works much like a telephone.A person can listen to someone else talk and then give an answer.For example, people on the large farms could talk to a doctor far away.They could tell the doctor about someone who was ill, and the doctor could let them know how to look after the sick person.

As the large farms were so far from towns, the children could not go to school.Radio schools were started for them in some places.At a certain time each day, boys and girls turn on their radios and listen to teachers in cities far away.

Families on the large farms wanted to give news to their neighbors.The program "Round Robin" talks by radio was started to keep families in touch with each other.They could talk about who was going away and who was ill.The men could talk about their sheep and cows and how much money the markets would pay for them.In many ways the radio became a newspaper for the farm people of Australia.

1、From the first paragraph, we know there are some very large farms in Australia.()

2、"The two-way radio" in the 2nd paragraph is useful for children only.()

3、The "the sick person" in the second paragraph means the person who is ill.()

4、The children on the large farms far away could have lessons on the radios.()

5、All the Australians live on dry places, and they use radios in many ways.()



The resources of the library can be helpful even when we are doing something very informal
, such as trying to devise a better way to measure attitudes toward music or looking for a better way to teach mathematics. The library can be equally helpful when we are doing something very formal, such as writing a dissertation (学位论文) or preparing an article for publication in a professional journal. In either case, our goal should be to use the library as a useful tool to help us understand and solve our problem.

The following sections of this chapter will describe specific resources available in many libraries. In some cases you may already be aware of a resource and may use it frequently and successfully. In other cases you may be completely unfamiliar with a resource. Your goal should be to become aware of what is available and to know how to use each of these resources to help you solve the problem they are designed to solve.

When educators have a piece of information that they want to share with their colleagues, they often make this information available in professional journals or at professional meetings. It would often be useful to have access to such information, and this chapter will describe the special services that enable us to locate such information.

1. The library resources can be helpful when we _______.

A.want to find a better way to measure attitudes toward music

B.are preparing a paper for a professional journal

C.are writing a dissertation

D.All of the above

2.The familiarity of readers with different resources _______.

A.is more or less the same

B.varies slightly

C.differs greatly

D.should not be different

3.The author believes that _______.

A.library resources should be used frequently and completely

B.library resources cannot be made good use of if they are not available to us

C.one is supposed to be aware of the library resources that are usually not available

D.one is supposed to have good knowledge and make good use of resources

4.When educators wish to share some information with their colleagues, they often _______.

A.publish it in a professional journal

B.attend professional meetings

C.get access to it in the library

D.make use of some library services

5. The chapter in question _______.

A.mainly deals with the ways of dissertation writing

B.presents information on publishing papers in professional journals

C.introduces some library services

D.describes some professional meetings


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