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阅读理解:根据上下文,补全文章内容。A.Call the police.B.Check for injuries to yourself and to your passengersC.Take down the other driver's license plate numberD. Report the accident to your insurance companyE. Exchange contact informationF. Look for witnesses.How to Report an AccidentA car accident can happen when you least expect it. You could be switching lanes, looking for a parking space or pulling out of your driveway, and all of a sudden, crash!13 Whether you hit someone or another driver hits you, you need to know what to do after a car accident. Here's a checklist to keep in mind when it comes to reporting your car accident.①as well as the make, color and model of the vehicle. If there is no pen and paper available, repeat the numbers in your head until you can write them down or snap a picture with your mobile phone.②Police will be needed on scene to direct traffic and to help get all vehicles to safety. Also, a police report is needed for the insurance company to determine who is responsible for paying the damages.③before getting out of the car. Never step out of the car into moving traffic.④Politely ask the witnesses (if any) to wait with you until the police come so that they can give their statements about the crash.⑤with the other driver for insurance and payment issues.⑥just in case you may need to file a claim.And a final note: protecting your safety is the first priority after a car accident. Turn on your hazard lights as soon as possible and put up other signals behind the crash scene so that other drivers should proceed carefully and safely.

更多“阅读理解:根据上下文,补全文章内容。A.Call the police.B.Check for injuries to yourself and to your passengersC.Take do…”相关的问题


阅读理解: 根据上下文, 补全对话内容。 (共 50 分)

A. Will you come with your boyfriend?

B. Really? Congratulations!

C. I forgot to tell you my address.

D. I' d like to invite you to a party.

E. Thank you for coming.

Liu Hui is inviting Molly to a party.

Liu Hui: Hello, Molly.(1)

Molly: A party? What for?

Liu Hui: I moved into a new house last month.

Molly: (2)Liu Hui, you are so great. I' m very happy to join the party. When will it be?

Liu Hui: It will start at 7 o' clock on Sunday evening. (3)

Molly: Sure. We' ll be there before seven. Thank you for the invitation.

Liu Hui: (4) See you soon.

Molly: Wait a minute. Where is your new house?

Liu Hui: How silly of me.(5)

Molly: It doesn' t matter, you can tell me now.

Liu Hui: Sure. It' s very close, actually. You go straight down this road. Then you turn left, at the next junction on your right, you' ll find a yellow building. That' s it.



阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Want to keep your


Want to keep your staff motivated about learning new concepts? The quality and variety of the employee training you provide are keys for motivation. Reasons to {A. offerB、B. completeB、C. take} employee training are many, from new-hire operational training to introducing a new concept to a work group to installing a new computer system.

{A. WhereverB、B. HoweverB、C. Whatever} your reason for conducting an employee training session, it’s critical to develop the employee training within the framework of a comprehensive, ongoing and consistent program.This employee training program is essential to keep your staff motivated about learning new concepts and {A. ultimateB、B. ultimatelyB、C. ultimation} keep your department profitable.

A complete employee training program includes a formal new hire training program with an overview of the job expectations and performance skills {A. needB、B. neededB、C. needing} to perform. job functions. A new hire training program provides a fundamental understanding of the position and how the position fits within the organizational structure.Another aspect of a comprehensive employee training program is continuing {A. continueB、B. continuedB、C. continuing} education. This is an important function in order to keep all staff members current about policies, procedures, and the technology.



阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。The houses we live


The houses we live in are very {A. expensiveB、B. importantB、C. huge}. They keep us from being cold in the winter and hot in the summer. In the winter they keep out of the snow. They also keep out the wind. Even if it is blowing outside, we are nice and warm inside. In the summer houses keep the hot sun from us. When it rains, they keep us from getting wet.

Houses are also places {A. whichB、B. thatB、C. where} we feel safe. People can’t get at us or our things. Houses give us a place to be together with our families and friends. Mothers and fathers {A. care forB、B. care aboutB、C. take care} their children there. The children play there. The family eat and sleep under the same roof.

Houses are different in many ways. They are made of different things. Some houses are made of wood. Some are made of stones. Sometimes more than one thing is used to make a house.

Houses come in different {A. placesB、B. sizesB、C. names}. Some houses have only one room. Some houses have more than one room. Big buildings found in cities have a great many rooms. They hold many families. The rooms in which each family lives are called an apartment.

Houses are different in the ways they are {A. buildB、B. buildingB、C. built}. Houses in tropic countries can be lightly built. In places where it rains much of the time, houses must keep out the water.

take care (“注意”,“当心”,“留心”)



阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Stress around inte


Stress around interviews is often influenced by our assumptions we make to ourselves about the process. Countering anxiety-provoking thoughts can help to lower levels of anxiety. “I just messed up that answer, and there’s no hope.” One poor answer normally does not knock a candidate out of consideration. An interview is like a test, getting an 85 or 90 might be good enough to get the job.

Visualizing success can improve performance and help ease anxiety. Always try imagining positive interactions with your interviewer, particularly in the hours just before your interview.

To some extent, relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation or breathing exercises, can manage anxiety. If your anxiety around interview is excessive, you might consider seeing a doctor to develop effective countermeasures.

1. What often influences the stress around interviews according to the passage? {A、B、C}

A. Interview process

B. Anxiety-provoking thoughts

C. Interviewers’ assumptions

2. Does one poor answer in an interview influence a candidate to get a job? {A、B、C}

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Not given.

3. Can imagining success help a candidate to lower levels of anxiety? {A、B、C}

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Not given.

4. How can we reduce our stress around interviews? {A、B、C}

A. Breathe deeply

B. Meet friends

C. Have a big meal

5. When should we go to see a doctor according the author? {A、B、C}

A. When we lose confidence in an interview.

B. When we find effective measures against anxiety round interview.

C. When we have too much stress around interview.












阅读理解: 结合上下文内容补全填空。操作提示: 通过下拉选项框选择正确的词汇。

Successful Marriage

Successful marriage and love relationships all require simple, practical acts--such as simple conversations and simple gestures. Success in love and marriage depends upon an accumulation(积累) of these simple①to create the foundation for building a②love.

Many relationship experts say that adding positive behaviors to the relationship has a much greater impact on couples'happiness. It is easy to understand the essential points of a successful marriage, yet difficult for many couples to practice in their relationship. Here are two ways as examples to deepen your relationship bond, and be a happier couple.

Firstly, it is③to accept your partner's uniqueness. We have all had moments when we wished our partner④thinner, wealthier, more romantic, and so on. This is not a realistic hope. We should let go of expectations because it may fail our relationships.⑤, you should show loving acts often. Hand holding, touching, or a midday love email are all small ways of showing affection. According to the research, small gestures have a bigger impact on couple happiness than great, less often gestures.
















C.will be



B.The second




阅读理解阅读下面的文章,根据文章内容,完成相应的选择题。BEIJING'S ROADS FOR THE FUTURET




The road system in Beijing's central business district (CBD) is being re-designed to make public transportation easy and improve efficiency.

Plans for 45 roads within the CBD have been approved, measuring 41.5 kilometers in total. In addition to public buses, free or low price shuttle buses from residence areas to subway stations will also be provided for commuters.

This is just over four times the number of roads opened in 2007, and will add another 15.5 km to the existing road network.

Besides roads, an underground traffic system has also been operating, which includes four new subway lines beneath the CBD.

The underground connection system is made up of two levels. The first underground floor is set aside mainly for pedestrians and commercial facilities, while the second underground floor is planned for parking.

The city has also invested 140 million yuan to set up a traffic inquiry system, through which the public can check traffic conditions online and see the most convenient routes on their GPS system. In the future, the CBD will be fully covered by an intelligent traffic control system.


1. The road system in Beijing's downtown area is being to make public transportation easy and improve efficiency. {A; B; C}

A. built

B. designed again

C. constructed

2. An underground system including new subway lines beneath the CBD has been operating. {A; B; C}

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

3. The underground connection system consists of _____ level(s). {A; B; C}

A. one

B. two

C. three

4. CBD stands for _____. {A; B; C}

A. Central Business District

B. Convention on Biological Diversity

C. Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering

5. Beijing has set up _______ for people to check traffic conditions. {A; B; C}

A. traffic lights

B. underground floor

C. a traffic inquiry system



阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为“T”,错误为“F”。An ebook (also referred


An ebook (also referred to as an electronic book, eBook, or e-book) is a digital version (版本)of a print book that you download and read. But if you want to read an ebook, you must have an Ebook Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer. Make sure you have installed the appropriate Reader before you download your ebook from the Internet. The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into the size you like. It also helps you turn pages and change your viewing options (计算机屏幕上的阅读选择) Ebooks are a fun alternative to regular books. You can download them to any computers and create your own library of hundreds of titles. If you load them onto your portable computer, you can take them with you when you travel. Some ebooks are even interactive! Best of all, when you order an ebook, their is no waiting and no shipping charges. The amount of time it takes to download your ebook depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your ebook.

1. From this passage, we learn that an ebook {A、B、C}.

A.can be found in any library

B.can be read directly from the Internet

C.can be read when special software is installed

2. The Ebook Reader is used for {A、B、C}.

A. reading an ebook you've downloaded

B. turning a print book into a digital version

C. downloading an ebo0k from the Internet

3. From this passage, we can learn that {A、B、C}.

A. you can read an ebook on a laptop when you travel

B. you can order an ebook using the Ebook Reader

C. the ebooks ordered have to be shipped to you

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE? {A、B、C}

A. An ebook is ordered in the same way as a print book is.

B. The size of the words in an ebook cannot be changed.

C. The downloading time is decided by the ebook's size.

5. The passage is mainly about {A、B、C}.

A. a better way to download an Ebook

B. a new kind of book - the Ebooks

C. the new version of Ebooks



阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。A business itinera


A business itinerary is written for business trips, which should include everything from travel arrangements to hotel information and business meetings.

Give travel arrangements in detail. The travel arrangements should include phone numbers, directions, departure time, where to check in, taxi information and the address of any planned stop.

Provide complete hotel information. This includes the room number, directions to the hotel, check-in and checkout times, as well as information about any services the hotel provides.

List information for any meetings you are going to attend. It includes the name of the organization, time, address, and a contact name and number. Remember to write down any special information you may need to bring to each meeting. It can help prevent you from forgetting something important, such as presentations, sample products or contracts.

Write a suggested restaurant list that gives several choices for lunch and dinner. Select restaurants near where you will be attending meetings or stopping.

1. What is a business itinerary written for? {A、B、C}

A. Business contact.

B. Business meetings.

C. Business trips.

2. What does the underlined word“stop”mean? {A、B、C}

A. The act of stopping something.

B. A brief stay in the course of a journey.

C. The event of something ending.

3. What can help prevent you from forgetting something important? {A、B、C}

A. To write down any special information.

B. Just to remember it.

C. To ask your secretary to remind you.

4. What does meeting information include? {A、B、C}

A. Phone numbers, directions, departure time, where to check in, taxi information.

B. Room number, directions to the hotel, check-in and checkout times.

C. The name of organization, time, address, and a contact name and number.

5. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage? {A、B、C}

A. It's unnecessary to include detailed information in a business itinerary.

B. Complete hotel information should be provided.

C. You can select any restaurants without considering its location.






Every coin has two sides and questionnaires are no different. With questionnaires, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.


Compared to face-to-face interviews, questionnaires are cheaper for

collecting data from a large number of respondents. Also, questionnaires are easy to analyze, and computer software can easily complete data entry and make tables for nearly all surveys. Questionnaires are familiar to most people as nearly everyone has had some experience completing one. Questionnaires reduce bias when there are no clues to affect the respondents.


One main disadvantage of questionnaires is the possibility of low response rates which reduces our confidence in the results. Another disadvantage is they provide little flexibility for the respondents. What’s more, many times the respondent is not the same person you sent the

questionnaire to. Finally, questionnaires are not suitable for some people. For example, a survey to a group of poorly educated people might not work because of reading problems.

1. The advantages of questionnaire are more than disadvantages.{T、F}

2. Questionnaire is the cheapest way for collecting data from respondents.{T、F}

3. Questionnaires have the advantage of being analyzed easily through the computer software.{T、F}

4. Questionnaire is suitable for everyone.{T、F}

5. The respondent is usually the same person you sent the questionnaire to.{T、F}


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